Artists & Clients
We take great pride in presenting the world's greatest guitarists with the world's greatest guitars!

Duesenberg Starplayer TV Outlaw - Black Tolex
Tom Cochrane
Here is a picture of Canadian musician Tom Cochrane. Playing his Duesenberg Starplayer TV Outlaw that he purchased from our store!

Duesenberg James Bond 007 Alliance
Kevin Caissie
Pictured here is Kevin with his limited edition 007 Duesenberg - SN: 34 of 75
Congrats on the purchase, Kevin!

Duesenberg James Bond 007 Alliance
Pictured here is Ken holding his limited edition 007 Duesenberg - SN 56 of 75.
Congrats on the purchase, Ken!

Duesenberg Fullerton C.C Vintage White
The Brothers & Sons
Here is a picture of Greater Toronto Area musician's, The Brothers & Sons, at The Guitar Boutique with their new guitars

Eastman Romeo Gold Burst
Pictured here is Matt, a Greater Toronto Area Musician and Composer. Congrats on the purchase, Matt!

Duesenberg Starplayer TV - Black
Jerry Woods
An American musician and one of our clients! We see him playing his Duesenberg Starplayer TV

Duesenberg Starplayer TV Custom Shop - Rusty Steel
Kevin Caissie
Kevin is back with his 22nd Duesenberg guitar, and his new Duesenberg Berlin amp. Congrats on the purchase, Kevin!

Revelation RVJTB Vibrant Purple
Ben Park
Pictured here is Canadian Musician, Ben Park, holding his new Revelation RVJTB. Thanks Ben!

Duesenberg Double Cat - Black
John Mayer
Here is John Mayer on Letterman playing a Duesenberg Double Cat

Duesenberg Starplayer TV Pearl - Ice Pearl
Ronnie Woods
Here is a picture of Ron Woods from The Rolling Stones playing a Starplayer TV Pearl!

Duesenberg Dave Baksh - Alliance Series
Dave Baksh
Here is a picture of Canadian musician Dave "Brownsound" Baksh playing his signature Duesenber Alliance Series

Duesenberg Johnny Depp - Alliance Series
Johnny Depp
Pictured here is Johnny Depp with his signature Duesenberg Alliance Series guitar

Duesenberg Mike Campbell 40th Anniversary Signature TV -Catalina Green Sparkle
Mike Campbell
Shown with one of his three signature Duesenbergs

Duesenberg Joe Walsh Alliance Series - Gold Burst
Joe Walsh
Pictured here is Joe Walsh playing one of his two signature Duesenberg Alliance Series guitars

Duesenberg Tom Bukovac - Alliance - Session Man
Tom Bukovac
Here is Tom Bukovac (known for his work with Stevie Nicks and Keith Urban) playing his "Session man" on stage

Duesenberg Jeff DaRosa - Alliance Series
Jeff DaRosa
Pictured here is Jeff DeRosa (known for his work with The Dropkick Murphys) holding his signature Duesenberg Alliance Series guitar

Duesenberg Starplayer TV Pearl - Ice Pearl
Kevin Caissie
Toronto area musician, Kevin Caissie with his 21st Duesenberg guitar, purchased at The Guitar Boutique. Thanks Kevin!

Duesenberg Starplayer TV - Black
Kevin Comeau
Here is a photo of Guitarist from Crownlands; Kevin Comeau purchasing a brand new Starplayer TV with Guitar Boutique owner; Nick Angelo

Gretsch G6128TCG Duo Jet - Green
Here is photo of one our our local clients playing a rare vintage Gretsch that was sold from Nicks personal collection.